Most paint companies in India sell household paints containing unsafe levels of lead that can affect the health of millions, reveals a new study released Tuesday.

The status of lead used in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) is so far unknown, but this study indicates the small and medium paint manufacturers are adding excessive amounts of lead in their decorative paints.
"Exposure to even small amounts of lead can reduce a child's intelligence and school performance and can also cause increased violent behaviour, so high levels of lead in paint are a cause for serious concern not only for families, but the country as a whole," said Ravi Agarwal, director, Toxics Link.
Painted surfaces deteriorate with time or when disturbed, and lead from the paint then contaminates household dust and soils surrounding the home.
Children ingest lead from dusts and soils during normal hand to mouth behaviour.
"Damage to children's intelligence and mental development occurs even when there are no obvious or clinical signs of lead poisoning," he said.