
South Indian Actress Donates Hair To Make Wigs For Cancer Survivors

by Shirley Johanna on Sep 25 2015 3:18 PM

Actress Renu Desai cut her hair to donate for making free wigs for underprivileged cancer survivors and spreading awareness for a good cause.

South Indian Actress Donates Hair To Make Wigs For Cancer Survivors
South Indian actress Renu Desai, known for her long, lustrous hair cut it short for a good cause.
Renu cut her hair to donate for making free wigs for poor cancer survivors. Spreading awareness for a good cause. Dignity in adversity.

The actress rated her beauty over the cause and said, "It was an emotional decision for me to part with my long hair since I always had long hair. A hair is a person's identity. When I chopped my hair many people asked me, 'What is the big deal about it ?'. But I would like to tell them, not many understand that hair is integral to a person's sense of beauty. There are people who go bald as a fashion statement. However, when a person has cancer, losing a part of oneself can feel disheartening. I myself feel out of place, awkward and weird after chopping my hair as it feels like something is missing. But I am happy I did it."

Wigs made of real hair are extremely expensive. “A wig made with the hair I donated would easily cost somewhere around Rs 70,000,” said Renu.

“The concept of hair donation isn't commonly known in India. People talk about blood or organ donation but this is something which not many know of. I read about it a year ago but was apprehensive of taking the step to chop my hair. But when a person who I know very well was affected by cancer, I saw how losing hair after chemotherapy changes a cancer victim's state of mind," Renu explains.

“The same length of hair would take at least four years to grow. I want to go bald when I turn 40 and donate all my hair for the sake of cancer victims," said Renu.












