Obesity has overtaken smoking as the leading cause of death and disability in Australia's Queensland state, according to a top doctor.

Rates of Queenslanders aged 18 and older, who smoke daily, have plunged by more than 12 per cent to nearly 15.7 per cent of the population in the last two years.
However, the proportion of adults considered overweight or obese had soared by 1.8 per cent a year since 2002 to 55.3 per cent of the population last year, said Dr Young.
According to her, the figure could hit 65 per cent - almost two-thirds of the adult population - by 2020.
The latest statistics show that a quarter of Queenslanders aged five to 17 are overweight or obese, up from 21 per cent in 2006.
"We've done a lot of work to try and halt obesity in kids but it doesn't seem to be reversing," The Courier Mail quoted Dr Young, as saying.
"Median life expectancy for obese people is reduced by two to four years and for the severely obese, it's reduced by eight to 10."
"It seems impossible, the quantities. I think it's pretty hard to get overweight if you're eating sensible stir fries and salads."
"Until 2007, the biggest risk factor leading to premature death and disability in Queensland was smoking," she said. "That's been overtaken by obesity," Dr Young pointed out.