
Sierra Leone Launches Campaign for Zero Ebola Infections

by Dr. Trupti Shirole on Mar 29 2015 5:41 AM

It means that for the next three days, six million Sierra Leoneans will stay at home, to push for 'zero Ebola infection'.

Sierra Leone Launches Campaign for Zero Ebola Infections
The Ebola epidemic has majorly affected the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Although the rate of new infections has sharply declined, the epidemic is far from over. Sierra Leone on Friday started a three-day ’seat at home campaign’ as part of its final push for ’zero Ebola infection’. This means that for the next three days, six million Sierra Leoneans will stay at home to listen to the health messages from health personnel throughout the country.
The major objective of the campaign, among others, is to re-energize the population in the fight against the Ebola virus, informing communities about behaviors that continue to increase transmission rate and isolate sick people as well as making the communities own the drive.

The head of the National Ebola Response Center said, "Although the campaign is nationwide, the emphasis would be on the Western Area province, and Port Loko, Kambia and Bombali districts that are all in the Northern province. These areas have been recording most of the confirmed new cases for the past three weeks."

About 25,650 personnel will be engaged during these three days to carry out the exercise and will be split into teams of three each, comprising a health worker, one social mobilizer together with a member of the community. These people will be moving around every household to bring out sick people and to treatment centers for those who manifest Ebola symptoms, while the others will be taken to hospitals.










