87% of unborn babies responded to music by moving their head and limbs, while 50% responded by widening their jaw and sticking out their tongue.

They found that 87% of unborn babies responded to music by moving their head and limbs, while 50% responded by widening their jaw and sticking out their tongue as far as possible. The study was published in “Ultrasound”, the journal of the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS).
“Fetal response begins at 16 weeks, with statistically significant variations throughout the pregnancy. The further on the mother is in the pregnancy, the more striking the facial movements. Response is different for each fetus, with different response levels each time the music is played,” said the researchers.
Researchers said, “We are aware of and recognize the importance of talking to babies from the moment they are born to promote neurological stimulation. Now we have the amazing opportunity to do this much sooner, which is a huge advance.”
This is not the first research on this as previous studies have showed that babies react to sounds inside their mother’s womb. Additionally, the researchers said the study indicated that unborn children have the ability to learn inside their mother’s womb.
“Our study suggests that music induces a response that activates brain circuits, stimulating language and communication. It proves that learning begins in the womb,” they added.