
Patients of Rare Genetic Diseases Hold Silent Protest March

by Bidita Debnath on Oct 2 2016 5:43 PM

Patients suffering from Lysosomal Storage Disorders, or rare genetic diseases, organised a silent protest march.

 Patients of Rare Genetic Diseases Hold Silent Protest March
People suffering from Lysosomal Storage Disorders, or rare genetic diseases, organised a silent protest march to seek that the government frame a policy on the issue and allocate funds for their costly treatment.
Holding placards and banners to highlight their plight, over two dozen patients and their caregivers participated in the march from Jantar Mantar to Connaught Place, organised by the Lysosomal Storage Disorders Support Society (LSDS).

"Two committees have been formed this year to address the concerns of patients with rare diseases including LSDs but nothing concrete has emerged in terms of providing free treatment, the primary demand of patients and families," said the release.

It said while the Delhi government formed a committee under the chairmanship of Dr D K Tempe, Dean of Maulana Azad Medical College in February 2016 to develop a policy and funding for rare genetic diseases, another committee was constituted by the Union Health Ministry this year for developing a policy on providing medicines for treatment of rare diseases.

An awareness programme held after the walk witnessed a discussion on the ways and means of funding the treatment of rare genetic disorders.

"Treatment for LSDs is beyond the reach of patients. Government support in terms of funding is imperative to help them lead a normal life. We urge the government to expedite the process of forming a policy and funding system for the treatment of LSDs without further delay so that patients get timely treatment," said LSDS President Manjit Singh.

In Delhi, there are 14 known patients suffering from Gaucher disease, the most common form of LSD, said the release. The disease is an inherited genetic condition that causes fatty deposits to build up in organs and bones, as its suffereres do not have enough of an important enzyme (glucocerebrosidase) required to break down a certain type of fat molecule (glucocerebroside).

Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT), the most effective treatment for LSDs, is available in India but most patients are deprived from receiving it due to the high cost. These treatments are not supported by government or insurance companies unlike in developed countries, the release said.












