A team at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Organ Transplant Center have performed 5,000 organ transplants since the program's inception in 1969.

Ken Kates, Associate Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of UI Hospitals and Clinics, announced that UI Hospitals and Clinics have launched its “Year of Celebrating Transplantation" as part of recognizing this milestone of 5,000 transplants.
The importance of organ donation, the transformed lives of transplant recipients, and the pioneering work of the UI’s transplant researchers and caregivers past and present will be emphasized on the series of events planned for the coming months. A strong research program on transplant matters has been the boon for the UI organ transplant program ever since the inception.
Debra Schwinn, Dean of the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine said, “Iowa has been the home of research advances in the understanding of organ failure and the body’s systems for protecting itself from infection. Our success as a transplant center can be attributed to the discoveries of our research teams, advancing techniques that in many cases have been adopted as best practices in the transplant field.”