Weight loss surgery or obesity surgery may affect the risk of cancer. Obese patients who underwent weight loss (bariatric) surgery had a decreased risk of developing hormone-related cancer (breast, endometrial or prostate cancer) when compared with patients who did not have surgery.

‘Obesity surgery may reduce the risk of developing cancer. Obese patients who underwent weight loss (bariatric) surgery had a 77% decreased the risk of developing hormone-related cancer (breast, endometrial or prostate cancer) when compared with patients who did not have surgery.’

Patients who underwent surgery had a 77% decreased the risk of developing hormone-related cancer (breast, endometrial or prostate cancer) when compared with patients who did not have surgery.

Gastric bypass resulted in the largest risk reduction (84%) for hormone-related cancer but was associated with a greater than a twofold increased risk of colorectal cancer.
Additional studies are needed to understand the biological mechanisms behind these findings.