The app allows users to sync their phones with the corresponding pregnancy test via Bluetooth technology and receive personalized results.

‘First Response introduces the very first pregnancy test that connects through an app on the phone to let women know whether they are pregnant.’

It will generate results within 3 minutes. Waiting for results can be very hectic for women. Therefore, the app has distractions like “Calm Me, Educate me or Entertain Me”. One can listen to music to calm themselves or study information regarding pregnancy to educate themselves or view fun videos for entertainment.

The test won’t even pull up the results until the woman enters a security code, much like other social media websites to assure that the woman is the only one who is reading the results.
The Bluetooth test can detect the pregnancy hormone up to six days before a woman misses her period and also has an accuracy of 99%. If the result is positive, it will send reminders for prenatal appointments. If the result is negative, it will give tips to get pregnant.