On classified advertisements website Craigslist, some people are reportedly offering to barter gas for sex and vice-versa. With gas shortages plaguing the East Coast of the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, some individuals have taken to the classified site to advertise their willingness to switch over to a new bartering system- Sex for gas.
"GAS GAS GAS HERE....Wanna Trade - m4w," "GOT GAS!! SO COME AND GET THIS PHAT ASS..24/7 SPECIALS," one of the ads said.
"Who's staying in because they have no gas? Get head instead," said another ad.
According to the Huff Post, the ads may come as no surprise given the great lengths New York and New Jersey residents have gone through to get gas, including waiting in line for hours.
In fact, a black market for fuel has sprung up in response to the post-Sandy shortage, New York Magazine reports.
Prices advertised on Craigslist have reached up to 20 dollars per gallon, the report said.