
New App may Help You Opt for Healthy Eating Choices

by Karishma Abhishek on Apr 26 2022 12:00 AM

Human nutrition-related app — eNutri has been developed by researchers that helped people opt for more healthy eating habits.

New App may Help You Opt for Healthy Eating Choices
Fully automated personal nutritional advice may benefit the public as per a study at the University of Reading, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
“The research demonstrates that the eNutri technology is effective in helping users to improve their healthy food intake, with a significant improvement in diet quality for the group who had access to automated, personalized nutrition advice. While having a registered nutritionist or dietitian giving personalized dietary advice is ideal, this is often only available to those with health concerns or with the financial resource to pay. There is also growing interest in nutrition apps and web services, but many commercial apps tend to focus on weight loss or calorie counting rather than healthy eating,” says Dr. Roz Fallaize, dietitian and research fellow at the University of Reading’s Department of Food and Nutritional Science.

Nutrition App for Healthy Diet

The study found that automated personalized nutrition advice helped to improve the healthy diet score by 6% among the participants at a low cost when compared to a control group.

The app uses a diet scoring system (according to 11 criteria based on UK dietary guidance) to offer tailored food-based advice. Moreover, the ‘healthy diet score’ assesses the intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and red and processed meat.

With the ease of individualized nutrition advice, the team is further set to generalize the app usage to even specific comorbidities like heart conditions.

