A weak backbone prevents the 12-year-old boy from sitting, standing and even crawling. Doctors are unable to diagnose and find a cure for this rare condition.

Mukesh Ahirwar, Mahendra’s father, said, "He can move his neck only in three directions. His neck bone is quite strong but cannot hold his head. His neck is longer than average size and is growing slowly. I don’t want him to die but he is losing the battle slowly.”
Mukesh said that in 2010, they went to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi for treatment. The doctors conducted series of tests on him but failed to diagnose the condition.
His 35-year-old mother, Sumitra said, "I cannot see him suffer anymore. Watching his life is devastating. He cannot do anything by himself. He just sits in a corner of the room all day. It’s no life. I have to carry him like a baby everywhere but he is 12 years old, how will I carry him when he grows even older? If doctors cannot treat my son, it is better that God takes him."
Despite having three other healthy children, members of the community have blamed Mahendra’s condition on his father’s past sins and believe he is to blame for his son’s disability.