Abortions will now be allowed in Morocco in the cases of pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, or serious deformities and incurable diseases of the fetus.
Abortion is currently punishable in Morocco by between one to five years in prison. After a heated debate on illegal abortions in the North African nation, the Royal Palace announced Friday that Morocco will allow abortion in cases of rape or serious fetal malformation. The statement said, "Abortions will be allowed in the cases of pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, or serious deformities and incurable diseases of the fetus. Legalizing abortion will be limited to these cases alone."
The announcement came after a royal audience at which the ministers of justice and Islamic affairs and the president of the National Council of Human Rights (CNDH) gave their opinions.
In March, Health Minister El Hossein Louardi said, "I favor an urgent revision of the law on abortion in cases involving rape, incest or fetal deformity."
Although there are no official figures, it is estimated that between 600 to 800 abortions are carried out in Morocco every day, sometimes in appalling conditions.