Uterine transplants are emerging as a boon for both men and women. This method can help men to get a uterus and give birth.

‘Male and female anatomy is not that different. Transplanting a uterus on men and letting them have children could become a reality in five years.

Similarly, uterine transplants can pave a way for pregnancy in men. This could help men to get a uterus and give birth.

“Today, medical advances let transgender women adjust their biochemistry to suppress male and introduce female hormones, have breasts that can lactate, and obtain surgically constructed vaginas that include a “neoclitoris” which allows sensation,” said Chung.
Chung added that hormone therapy can shut off testosterone and introduce progesterone and estrogen needed to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Even though males do not have uterine veins and arteries needed to nurture the womb, it’s possible to attach a branch of a large vessel, like the internal iliac, to the uterus. Although it’s preferable for a vagina to support the uterus, it’s possible to attach a transplanted uterus to other ligaments in the pelvis.
The only problem that lies in men pregnancy is transferring an embryo grown in vitro into the transplanted womb.
“Male and female anatomy is not that different. Probably at some point, somebody will figure out how to make that work.” said Chung.