A new research has claimed that a unique odour signature from human skin cells can be used for identifying melanoma - the deadliest form of cancer.

Melanoma is a tumour that affects melanocytes, skin cells that produce the dark pigment that gives skin its colour.
The disease is responsible for approximately 75 percent of skin cancer deaths, with chances of survival directly related to how early the cancer is detected.
The study took advantage of the fact that human skin produces numerous airborne chemical molecules known as volatile organic compounds (VOC) many of which are odourous.
In the study, researchers used sophisticated sampling and analytical techniques to identify VOCs from melanoma cells at three stages of the disease as well as from normal melanocytes.
The researchers used an absorbent device to collect chemical compounds from air in closed containers containing the various types of cells.
Both the types and concentrations of chemicals were affected. Melanoma cells produced certain compounds not detected in VOCs from normal melanocytes and also more or less of other chemicals. Further, the different types of melanoma cells could be distinguished from one another.
The nano-sensor was able to distinguish differences in VOCs from normal and several different types of melanoma cells.
The study has been published online in the Journal of Chromatography B.