Year long birth control pills would help women's reproductive autonomy at low cost, according to a new study.

‘Providing an year supply of birth control pills helps to decrease refills, aiding to regulate undesired pregnancies in an inexpensive way.’
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"Medication dispensing limits are thought to be cost-saving because you're not wasting pills and medicines that people aren't going to use," said lead author Colleen Judge-Golden, an M.D., Ph.D. student at Pitt's School of Medicine. "Our analysis shows that concerns about wastage of contraceptive pills are overshadowed by the potential consequences of missed refills, and especially of unintended pregnancies." Read More..

VA data shows that 43% of women receiving three-month increments of birth control pills experience at least one gap between refills over the course of a year of use. Outside the VA, women who get a year's worth of birth control pills up front experience fewer gaps, and ultimately, fewer unintended pregnancies.
Since the VA doesn't yet offer the option of dispensing a 12-month supply, Judge-Golden analyzed how expensive such a program would be, together with senior author Sonya Borrero, M.D., M.S., director of Pitt's Center for Women's Health Research and Innovation and associate director of the VA's Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion.
The researchers estimate that among the approximately 24,000 women receiving oral contraceptives from the VA, offering a year's supply of pills would prevent 583 unintended pregnancies and save the VA about $2 million a year in prenatal, birth and newborn care costs.
"We see extended contraceptive dispensing as a win-win," said Judge-Golden, "promoting women's health and women's autonomy to use birth control as they decide, while also being economically sustainable for the VA."
"This is a great opportunity for the VA to roll out this policy change on a national level and continue to be a leader and set an elevated standard for women's health care," Borrero said.