Lack of adequate supervision was a contributing factor in more than 70 per cent of fatal child drownings across Australia.

Of the 339 deaths in that period, supervision was ruled out as a factor in only 29 cases (8.5 per cent), which were the result of events such as cars being swept off the road during flash flooding or boats overturning in rough conditions.
“Supervision was identified as a contributing factor in almost three-quarters (71.7 per cent) of all unintentional cases of child drowning, although the level of explicit identification of supervision varied across age groups,” lead researcher Ms Lauren Petrass said.
“Indeed, with deeper interrogation of coroners’ findings, absent or inadequate supervision might be associated with as many as 88.8 per cent of child drownings, because in 58 cases (17.1 per cent), inadequate detail was provided in text documents to determine whether supervision was a contributing factor.”
Police reports ranged in length from one line to two pages, with some stating only that the child was missing and later found in the pool.
“Lack of detail within reports, or missing documents, restricts the ability to fully understand incident circumstances and assess the role of supervision in the drowning death,” Ms Petrass said.
More detailed records and more recommendations by coroners could help spread the message about the need to watch children near water.
The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.