Although adults can beat kids at most cognitive tasks, a new study shows that children have more sharp and focused minds as compared to them.

According to the researchers, distributing attention may be adaptive for young children, and by being attentive to everything, they gather more information which helps them learn more.
The research suggests that this difference can actually help kids do better than adults in some learning situations.
For the study, 34 adults and 36 four-year-old children were analyzed. Researchers provided adults and the children information that was irrelevant at the beginning of the experiment but suddenly became important for a task they had to complete.
"Adults had a hard time readjusting because they didn't learn the information they thought wouldn't be important," said Vladimir Sloutsky, Professor at The Ohio State University in the US.
"Children, on the other hand, recovered quickly to the new circumstances because they weren't ignoring anything. I'm sure a lot of parents will recognize that tendency of children to notice everything, even when you wish they wouldn't," he said.