Health chiefs have warned that the standard Indian takeaway can contain enough food for two people.

‘Traditional Indian food is low in fat, high in fiber and rich in fruit and vegetables. However, a study warned that the standard Indian takeaway contained far more than an adult's recommended daily calorie intake. These takeaways can contain enough food for two people.’

Researchers at the University of Ulster found that the average portion of peshwari naan bread contained 748 calories, while an average dish of tikka masala main course harbored 1,249 calories. The starters which were tested contained one third of an adult's total daily amount of salt. Rice portions, meanwhile, were in general large enough for two people.

Cliodhna Foley-Nolan, director of human health and nutrition with the Safefood group, said, "While traditional meals in India are low in fat, high in fiber and rich in fruit and vegetables, chefs here have adapted their recipes to suit local taste buds favoring foods high in fat and salt and serving bigger portions."