The computer model based on Graphic Processing Units to design drugs based on causes or symptoms or a well-studied mechanism in the body.
In order to understand complex clinical conditions like brain disorders, cancer, a computer model has been designed at the School of Biotechnology of Amrita University in Kerala. // Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Lab Director of Computational Neurosciences and Neurophysiology at the School of Biotechnology of Amrita University in Kollam, Kerala said ultimately, this kind of computations could aid in designing tailor-made drugs.
‘Every few years new symptoms are being found and the computer modelling helps to plug all these sources of disease to develop tailor-made drugs for any complex disease.’
"In neurology, end condition would be something like that - to design drugs to suit each patient. Some drugs can be predicted from the causes, some could be designed from symptoms and some drugs are basically related to well-studied mechanism in some other region of the body," said Dr. Diwakar in an interview with Indian Science Journal in New Delhi. Dr. Diwakar said that the computer models are generated using GPUs or Graphic Processing Units, which are much faster to conventional CPUs, to study neurological disorders. "For diseases, I think this is going to change the dimension where you need to do multiple levels of modelling, multi-scale modelling, where you connect all these effects and that is where these technologies are going to aid in," he said.
"It helps building right models, taking data from experiments and putting it into these models to see if these models can extrapolate behavior, which is not seen from behavior that can be recorded in a lab."
The principle of computation stems from the fact a disease is not caused by a single source. Every few years new symptoms are being found and the computer modelling helps to plug all these sources of disease and create a kind of wrap up all known causes into unknown causes.
Dr. Diwakar admits, clinician's job will remain preeminent, but the computer modelling will connect the physiological function or dysfunction with disorders at molecular and cellular levels for faster and accurate diagnosis and treatment, which hitherto was difficult or time-consuming.
"We can even look at the MRIs or FMRI scans, see whether we can reconstruct the activity or whether our mathematically modeled activity is matching with the real subjects," said Dr. Diwakar. "That gives an idea, how the disease of the dysfunction in the brain actually progresses."