Seven years after India was declared as leprosy free, the number of leprosy cases has shot up to 1, 26, 800.

The president of ILU (India) S D Gokhale said that it is time for both the central and state governments in the country to become aware of the seriousness of the situation and warned that unless steps are not taken soon to bring the number of cases under control, the situation could become much worse.
“If the union and state governments do not take serious note of this fact (the figures quoted were confirmed by union health ministry in a reply given in the Rajya Sabha on March 13, 2012) and initiate effective steps to eradicate leprosy, the problem would become more acute”, he said, adding that his agency will be instituting Leprosy Affected Patients (LAP) Human Rights Cell which could be used to take collective and individual grievances to the Human Rights Commission