World Hepatitis Day 2022 – ‘Bringing Hepatitis Care Closer to You’

World Hepatitis Day 2022 – ‘Bringing Hepatitis Care Closer to You’

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Why is World Hepatitis Day celebrated? World Hepatitis Day takes place every year on 28th July to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis

  • World Hepatitis Day, celebrated on 28th July 2022, unites the world’s hepatitis community.
  • An opportunity to increase awareness and facilitate faster diagnosis and and treatment.
  • Celebrate the progress made in eliminating hepatitis.
World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is celebrated annually on July 28th, on the birthday of Dr. Baruch Blumberg. Dr. Blumberg discovered the hepatitis B virus in 1967, and 2 years later he developed the first hepatitis B vaccine.
Organizations around the world, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations, commemorate WHD to create an opportunity to educate people about the burden of hepatitis, efforts to combat viral hepatitis around the world, and actions people can take to prevent infection (1 Trusted Source
World Hepatitis Day — July 28th

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Hepatitis – A Global Health Problem

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a viral infection. There are five main hepatitis viruses, referred to as types A, B, C, D, and E. These five types are of greatest concern because of the burden of illness and death they cause and the potential for outbreaks and epidemic spread.

However, with the existing prevention, testing, and treatment services that are available, every hepatitis-related death is preventable. Though hepatitis can affect anyone, it mainly affects people and communities most underserved by health systems.

The world is currently facing a new outbreak of unexplained acute hepatitis infections affecting children. Researchers around the world are working to understand the cause of this infection that does not appear to belong to any of these known five types of hepatitis viruses (2 Trusted Source
World Hepatitis Day

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This new outbreak again brings back focus on thousands of hepatitis infections that occur among children, adolescents, and adults every year.

Most acute hepatitis infections cause mild disease and even go undetected. But in some cases, they can lead to complications and be fatal. In 2019 alone, an estimated 78,000 deaths occurred worldwide due to complications of acute hepatitis A to E infections.

Global efforts are prioritizing the elimination of hepatitis infections B, C, and D infections. WHO aims to achieve hepatitis elimination by 2030. While the guidance and tools to diagnose, treat, and prevent hepatitis are available, these services are often out of reach of communities and are sometimes present only at centralized/specialized hospitals.


Intriguing Hepatitis Facts

  • More than 350 million people live with viral hepatitis (3 Trusted Source
    10 Facts about viral hepatitis for World Hepatitis Day!

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  • Nine in ten people living with hepatitis are unaware of the condition.
  • Approximately 1.5 million people become newly infected each year.
  • Almost 300 million people are chronically infected.
  • People with viral hepatitis can be at increased risk of liver cancer.
  • Hepatitis can be treated and prevented with a vaccine.


What is the Theme for World Hepatitis Day 2022?

The new campaign theme for World Hepatitis Day 2022 is ‘Bringing hepatitis care closer to you’, which highlights the need to simplify and bring hepatitis care to primary health facilities, community-based venues, and locations beyond hospital sites so that care is closer to communities and people wherever they are.

It should mainly emphasize the importance of person-centered care and alignment of systems and integration of services to reach the goal of elimination by 2030.

To achieve hepatitis elimination, at least 60% of people living with hepatitis B and C must be diagnosed and at least 50% eligible for treatment must be cured (hepatitis C) or receiving treatment (hepatitis B) by 2025.

For this to happen, those in need must have access to hepatitis services, that are equitable, effective, efficient, timely, and of acceptable quality.

This campaign will also amplify the voices of people affected by hepatitis calling for immediate action and the end of stigma and discrimination.

How to Support Hepatitis Campaign?

One-Minute Actions

  • Send World Hepatitis Day graphics to your contacts via WhatsApp and encourage them to join the campaign (4 Trusted Source
    World Hepatitis Day 2022

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  • Share one of our downloadable social media graphics with your followers. Don’t forget to tag us with #WorldHepatitisDay, to join the online conversation.
  • Sign the pledge to show your commitment to hepatitis elimination.
  • Create a 30-second Instagram reel with the WHD and Hep Can't-Wait GIF stickers with our hashtags #WHDRelay and #WorldHepatitisDay to share on your stories and pages.
  • Add World Hepatitis Day branded frame to your Facebook profile.
  • Point to the time to show the urgent need for action on hepatitis.

Ten-Minute Actions

  • Join the virtual global relay by submitting a 30-second video explaining what the elimination of viral hepatitis means to you.
  • Create a poster to put up at your local community center, in your workplace, or place of worship to raise awareness.
  • Apply to light up a local landmark green in support of WHD (5 Trusted Source
    Hepatitis Can't Wait

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Longer Actions

  • Hold an event or webinar to raise awareness of viral hepatitis.
  • Ask your local billboard owners for advertising space to raise awareness of hepatitis on World Hepatitis Day.
  • Set up a meeting or write a letter to your local policymaker.
You or someone close to you, or your loved ones can be impacted by hepatitis. Celebrate World Hepatitis Day as a community to increase awareness, talk about hepatitis and address the ongoing challenges of increasing prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

You or someone you know could be one of the ‘missing millions’. You can play a part in ‘finding’ them. You could save a life.

  1. World Hepatitis Day — July 28th - (
  2. World Hepatitis Day - (
  3. 10 Facts about viral hepatitis for World Hepatitis Day! - (
  4. World Hepatitis Day 2022 - (
  5. Hepatitis Can't Wait - (



Are you aware of the new outbreak of hepatitis affecting children?











