Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) awareness day is observed annually on the 12th February and aims to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health and the right to sexual health care irrespective of age or sex.
- Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) awareness day is observed annually on the 12th February in several countries across the world including India
- It aims to educate the general public and provide information about sexual and reproductive health issues add the right to sexual health care
- The theme for Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) awareness day 2019 is ‘Sexual health for all ages’ from children to the elderly
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Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Awareness Day - Overview
SRH day was established by the Public Health Agency of Canada and observed annually in Canada and few other countries including India. Although sex and sexuality are not widely discussed, we are basically sexual beings and all aspects of sexual health and well being such as physical, mental, emotional social are integral to the life of any individual. Each and every one of us irrespective of age, gender or sexual orientation should know about sexual health and have access to sexual health care, birth control and health education programs.Main Goals of Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day
- Young girls transitioning from childhood to puberty must have information about sexual health care and hygiene, sex education and access to safe and clean sanitary napkins during their monthly periods
- Government should come down heavily on persons encouraging child marriages and child right abusers and regressive practices like female genital mutilation
- Every woman must have access to safe and affordable contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions
- All women should have access to affordable antenatal care and delivery facilities as well as safe abortion
- Everyone, especially the youth must be educated about safe sexual practices, avoiding promiscuity and about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases and how to prevent them
- No one should be discriminated based on gender or sexual orientation
- Persons resorting to cyber bullying and committing sexual harassment should be severely punished
- Education about tobacco and alcohol abuse as these habits predispose to risky sexual behavior
What We Can Do To Create Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness
As responsible individuals, it is our duty to contribute and do our bit to educate the general public about sexual and reproductive health awareness.- Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to post and widely share messages about SRH Day and related issues among friend and family
- Download campaign material from the website and share widely on social media and directly
- Organize street plays in the community to educate about importance of teen sexual health, right of every woman to have access to contraception and antenatal care when she chooses
- Educate people to be gender sensitive and treat people of different sexual orientation with respect and not discriminate against them
- Hospitals and clinics can put up educational posters and offer free check-ups and counseling about sexual health, preventing sexually transmitted diseases, contraception menopausal issues, infertility and safe abortions
- Print and visual media should offer wide coverage as well as radio programs can be organized with doctors and health professionals writing or speaking about sexual and reproductive health issues and dispelling false notions and myths
- Schools can organize speakers to address young students about sexual and reproductive health to raise awareness
- Display informative posters about safe sexual practices, contraception and pregnancy in prominent locations
- Local administration must provide affordable health care facilities to all irrespective of age or gender
How to Maintain Good Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Provide young girls with clean, affordable and safe sanitary pads to maintain menstrual hygiene
- Use condoms or other barrier methods to reduce risk of sexually transmitted diseases
- Women between 11-26 years of age should undergo HPV vaccination to reduce cervical cancer risk
- Abolish child marriages and regressive practices, and severely punish offenders
- Every woman must be entitled to contraception and plan her pregnancy when she is ready
- Infertility can be treated; consult a doctor. It is not a curse as many people still believe
- Women should be aware of their monthly cycles and consult a doctor if they notice any sudden changes
- Seek medical help for problems related to periods and menopausal issues. These can be treated and need not be endured as many women believe
- Avoid smoking and alcohol
- Women must have regular Pap testing to rule out cervical cancer and mammograms to rule out breast cancer
- Avoid stress, as it can affect sexual health
- Consume a healthy and well balanced diet
- About Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day - (