Drill-free way may now become the future trend for stopping, reversing and preventing dental caries or tooth decay.

‘Caries Management System (CMS) - a set of protocols which cover the assessment of decay risk, the interpretation of dental X-rays and specific treatment of early decay has emerged as a drill-free technique for dental caries.

The results of the seven year study found that the need for fillings was reduced by 30 to 50 percent through preventative oral care.

"It's unnecessary for patients to have fillings because they're not required in many cases of dental decay," said lead author Wendell Evans, adding that this research signals the need for a major shift in the way tooth decay is managed by dentists; dental practice in Australia needs to change.
Evans noted that the study shows that a preventative approach has major benefits compared to current practice.
The team developed the Caries Management System (CMS) - a set of protocols which cover the assessment of decay risk, the interpretation of dental X-rays and specific treatment of early decay (decay that is not yet a cavity).
The CMS treatment 'no-drill' involves four aspects - Application of high concentration fluoride varnish by dentists to the sites of early decay; Attention to home tooth brushing skills; Restriction of between-meal snacks and beverages containing added sugar and Risk-specific monitoring.