After a stressful day at work, get a restful sleep by using right fragrances and color in your bedroom, suggest experts. Each color and fragrance have different role to play in promoting a restful sleep.

"Along with soothing colors, a good fragrance can bring the body and mind into harmony and also promote relaxation"
As for aromatic fragrances, they create a pleasant environment in the bedroom and calms one's mood and nerves, allowing him or her to fall asleep soon, said Jagadish B.S. from Natural Aroma World.
Essential takeaways:
* The color of your bedroom and decor play a major role in determining how well you sleep. Ganglion cells in our eyes are specialized receptors that are most sensitive to the colors we see and therefore affect how we sleep and feel during the day. It is important to choose a color theme in your bedroom that will help you relax and induce sleep.
* The color blue doesn't always make you feel blue. In fact, people sleeping in a room painted blue can get around 7 hours, 52 minutes of sleep every night, the maximum compared to all the other colors of the rainbow. Soothing blue lowers your heart rate and reduces blood pressure, making you get up feeling happy and refreshed.
Scents and fragrances can manipulate your mood, and the right smells in your bedroom can go a long way in relaxing your mind and easing you into a deep sleep.
* Choose the right essential oils that you can dab on your wrists, inhale or rub your hands with. You can also add them to your bath before sleep. Lighting aromatic candles with these scents in your bedroom can help relax you and infuse deep, relaxing sleep.
* Try lavender drops on your pillow or scented eye-masks. Not only is Chamomile tea great for mornings, it works really well before bed too as it refreshes you from stress. Bergamot oil is known to relieve tension and anxiety by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.
* While Jasmine calms the mind, it is also known to boost energy levels. It is great for people who have the restlessness syndrome as this fragrance relaxes their muscles easily before falling asleep. The calming scent of rose is known for its sedative effects while the sweet scent of sandalwood helps you sleep longer.