A recent study conducted in fruit flies revealed that the fruit flies nervous system could be used to effectively deploy wireless sensor networks and other distributed computing applications.

The find indicates similar techniques used to manage the distributed computer networks. However, the fly's nervous system techniques are much simpler and more robust.
Using the fruit fly technique, Bar-Joseph, co-author Noga Alon and their team designed a new distributed computing algorithm, which is particularly well suited for wireless sensor networks, such as environmental monitoring, where sensors are dispersed in a lake or waterway, or systems for controlling swarms of robots.
"Computational and mathematical models have long been used by scientists to analyze biological systems," said Bar-Joseph.
"Here we've reversed the strategy, studying a biological system to solve a long-standing computer science problem."
One step toward creating this distributive system is to find a small set of processors that can be used to rapidly communicate with the rest of the processors in the network - what graph theorists call a maximal independent set (MIS).
The researchers created a computer algorithm based on the fly's approach and proved that it provides a fast solution to the MIS problem.
"This makes the solution applicable to many more applications."