Age-related cognitive decline has been prevented in fruit flies with Alzheimer's gene mutation by treating them with drugs such as lithium, or by genetic manipulations that reduced signalling.

Studies in animal models have previously shown that the FAD-linked PS mutations lead to less presenilin (psn) protein activity.
"The results from our study suggest a new route to explore for the treatment of familial Alzheimer's disease and possibly the more common sporadic forms of Alzheimer's disease. They also reveal that proper presenilin activity levels are required to maintain normal cognitive capabilities during aging," noted Jongens.
The researchers found that with age, the presenilin mutant - the Alzheimer's fruit fly model-lost the ability to learn and remember and that this age-onset cognitive deficit could be prevented by treating the flies with drugs, or by genetic manipulations that reduce metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) signalling.
MGluR is located on the surface of neurons, including in the hippocampus - a major memory and learning center in the brain.
In addition, treatment of older flies with these same drugs reversed the age-dependent deficits.
"We demonstrate that these treatments, even when begun after the onset of cognitive impairment, can reverse memory deficits. This indicates that there is a window of time during which memory is impaired, but the cellular function can still be rescued with proper treatment, again allowing for the ability to form proper memory. This is a critical finding since in humans Alzheimer's is diagnosed only clinically after the onset of cognitive impairment. So, this finding may indicate that even at the point of early memory impairment, the disease may be reversible," added another co-author.