Consumption of beverages such as soda pop, micro brew-beer and bottled water leaves a geographical location-related chemical imprint in hair that can be used to track people's

Hydrogen and oxygen exist in different forms, or isotopes. The proportions of those isotopes vary in a predictable way geographically, with higher values in low-latitude, low-elevation, or coastal regions, for instance, and lower values elsewhere.
Since manufacturers usually use local or regional water sources in producing beverages, isotope patterns in hair could serve as a chemical "fingerprint" to pinpoint the geographic region where a person has been.
The scientists analysed isotope patterns in bottled water, soda pop, and beer from 33 American cities and found that patterns in the beverages generally matched those already known for the tap water.
They also noted that the isotope pattern in beverages tends to vary from city to city in ways that give cities in different regions characteristic "iso-signatures."
A person who drinks a beer or soda in Denver, Des Moines, or Dallas, for instance, consumes a different isotope signature than a person in Las Cruces, Las Vegas, or Laramie.
The study appears in ACS' bi-weekly Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.