Meal timing has been suggested as one of the many possible factors to influence trends in weight gain seen in children, but, researchers found no significant evidence.

‘The timing of food intake can have a significant effect on the metabolic processes within the body, leading to weight gain.

In the new study, researchers examined the eating habits of 1,620 children -- 768 children aged 4-10 years and 852 children aged 11-18 years -- using data from the UK's National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme collected between 2008 and 2012. This national survey gathered information annually from food diaries in which children or their parents recorded their dietary intake and meal timings over a 4-day period. The survey also collected measurements of weight and height which were used to calculate the BMI of the children. 

Statistical analysis of the data showed no greater risk of being obese or overweight when eating dinner between 8 pm and 10 pm compared to eating between 2 pm and 8 pm for either of the age groups studied.
The lead author of the study, Dr Gerda Pot, is a Visiting Lecturer in the Diabetes and Nutritional Sciences Division and is also based at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She said: ''The findings of our study are surprising. We expected to find an association between eating later and being more likely to be overweight but actually found that this was not the case. This may be due to the limited number of children consuming their evening meal after 8 pm in this cohort.''
The study also did not find any significant differences in the mean daily energy intakes for those eating their dinner before 8 pm compared with those who ate dinner later and only a small number of statistically significant variations in daily nutrient intakes.
The daily proportion of protein consumed was found to be higher in 4-10-year-old boys who ate later. For 11-18-year-old girls, there was a difference in the carbohydrate intake with those eating later consuming less carbohydrate as part of their daily intake. However, these differences do not allow for any broad conclusions to be drawn about the quality of diet.
The new findings suggest there is currently insufficient evidence to support expanding dietary recommendations to include advice on when as well as what children eat. However, childhood obesity is a major public health issue and current advice is to improve dietary quality and increase physical activity to reduce the risk of becoming overweight and help to reverse excess weight gain. More research is needed to investigate the influence of the timing of eating on childhood obesity.
The study is published in the British Journal of Nutrition.