
Easy and Quick Remedies to Nourish Skin this Winter

by Iswarya on Dec 6 2018 2:30 PM

Winter weather is not fun for the skin. Cold temperatures along with low humidity can be a recipe for dry, flaky and dehydrated skin. It is necessary that your skin obtains maximum nourishment and care during the chilly season.

Easy and Quick Remedies to Nourish Skin this Winter
Cold temperatures along with low humidity can be a recipe for dry, flaky and dehydrated skin. It is essential to add extra nourishment to your skin during this season to get a smooth and supple skin.
Karan Gupta, Director and Men's Grooming Expert, Qraa Herbals and Jeetendra Jain, Director and Skin Care Expert, Oshea Herbals, have rolled out some quick remedies to nourish skin in winters.

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply any cocoa honey moisturizer. The combination of the natural ingredients, cocoa, and honey, are amazing to use in winters as they are excellent moisturizers which also soothe the skin from irritation and redness. A layer of this moisturizer can help you evade the dryness in winters, very quickly. Also, moisturize your skin before you hit the bed.
  • Drink water, fresh juices and also eat ghee to re-establish the lost humidity from within. The water helps in hydrating our skin while the ghee is also a good moisturizing constituent for skin in winters. Applying ghee on the dry areas of your skin is also beneficial. Whereas, fresh juices will bring in glow to your skin.
  • Use face scrubs that have ingredients like apricot and charcoal in them which shall replenish the skin during winters. Exfoliators help in evading the dead skin and bring out the glowing skin.
  • Use DIY (Do It Yourself) and homemade masks to the rescue. A very good skin mask can be made of almond powder and milk. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E and milk is an exceptional moisturizer. This face mask will very effectively make your skin soft and glowing.
  • Avoid taking hot water showers and minimize the amount of time you take in the shower. The skin in winters does not welcome these hot water showers as they make the skin dull and dry. Also, replace your soap and body washes with natural oils as they can be very harsh for the skin.
  • Use humidifiers in your rooms and living spaces as the heating systems generally dry out the air.












