Pityriasis rosea is a common skin disease that manifests as rashes. It is not contagious and most often the rashes disappear by themselves without treatment.
Pityriasis Rosea (PR) is a common, but harmless, skin disease that manifests as oval-shaped, pink or red rash.
It may affect both sexes, of any age, but is present mostly in individuals between 10-35 years of age.It is not common in individuals above the age of 60 years, although, if it occurs in them , it tends to last longer.
The condition can appear at any time of the year, nevertheless, it commonly occurs during spring and fall.
A viral agent is implicated as the causative factor.
The symptoms tend to vary in different individuals but may not recur during a life time.
PR can be diagnosed by a dermatologist. Sometimes diagnosis can be challenging due to the similarity of these symptoms with other conditions.
Most of the time, Pityriasis rosea does not require treatment. It tends to go away on its own and usually leaves no scars. It may, sometimes, leave a brown -colored pigmentation in dark -skinned individuals.

Oval-shaped, pink or red rash typical of Pityriasis rosea.