E-cig users watch out: Popular electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) vape products contain microbial toxins associated with asthma, reveals a new study.

‘Popular electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) products are contaminated with dangerous microbial toxins that can trigger asthma and other lung diseases. Therefore, in addition to inhaling harmful chemicals, e-cig users should know the potential consequences of exposure to high levels of bacterial and fungal toxins.’
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For the study, the researchers from Harvard University examined 75 popular e-cigarette products -- cartridges (single use) and e-liquids (refillable material) -- sold in the US. Read More..

The results showed that 27 percent of these products contained traces of endotoxin, a microbial agent found on Gram-negative bacteria, and 81 percent contained traces of glucan, which is found in the cell walls of most fungi.
"Airborne Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin and fungal-derived glucans have been shown to cause acute and chronic respiratory effects in occupational and environmental settings," said senior study author David Christiani, Professor at Harvard University.
"Finding these toxins in e-cigarette products adds to the growing concerns about the potential for adverse respiratory effects in users," Christiani added.
The findings showed that 17 of 75 products (23 percent) contained detectable concentrations of endotoxin and that 61 of 75 products (81 percent) contained detectable concentrations of glucan.
The research team noted that the contamination of the products could have occurred at any point during the production of the ingredients or of the finished e-cigarette product.