
Drinking water in America not all that safe: says report

Contrary to the general belief that every thing in the US of A is the best might get a severe blow.

Contrary to the general belief that every thing in the US of A is the best might get a severe blow.According to a report by an independent environmental organisation Sierra Club to the tune of more than 111 million Americans get unsafe drinking water. They attribute it to the Environmental Protection Agency's policy to withhold Clean Water Act protections from headwater and seasonal streams.

Utah (79/2.0/90*), Colorado (68/3.6/83), Kentucky (55/3.1/77), Massachusetts (52/4.7/75), Maryland (59/3.7/70), Oklahoma (74/2.4/70), Connecticut (52/2.2/65), Pennsylvania (59/7.9/65), Alabama (61/2.6/58), New York (55/10.2/54) have been called the most affected states.

Addressing the gravity of the situation Navis Bermudez, author of the report said, 'The EPA's policy directive puts our drinking water sources at risk from waste disposal, sewage discharges, oil spills, development projects and other polluting activities. Congress should stop this destructive policy and ensure that the EPA protects our drinking water sources to the fullest extent of the law."

The statement released by the agency said, 'This 'no protection' policy effectively directed federal regulators to withhold protection from millions of acres of wetlands, thousands of streams and other waters on grounds that are 'isolated,' unless they first get permission from their national headquarters in Washington, DC. Since most states lack effective protections for these waters, failing to enforce the provisions of the Clean Water Act in these waters means that sewage, chemical and mining waste, fill materials and other pollutants may be dumped without any permit. By failing to protect our headwater streams, our drinking water sources are at risk for pollution and destruction," Bermudez said. 'That imposes an unfair burden on drinking water providers, and ultimately ratepayers, who must treat dirtier water to provide the public with safe drinking water. Therefore , they urge some serious action and urgent measures











