Being bullied can hurt young children in many ways, but a new UT Dallas study found that it does not lead to later substance abuse.

‘Students who were bullied in third grade did not have a greater risk of using drugs or alcohol by ninth grade, revealed a new study.’

"The findings speak to the necessity of continuing to encourage meaningful substance use prevention programs during adolescence and making sure students have the resilience skills necessary to stay away from substances," said Dr. Nadine Connell, assistant professor of criminology and lead author of the study. "Early in-school victimization may, however, have other consequences that should be explored."

The study, published in the journal Victims & Offenders, used longitudinal data from 763 students in a Northeastern U.S. school district. Connell worked with co-authors Dr. Robert Morris, associate professor of criminology and director of the Center for Crime and Justice Studies in EPPS, and Dr. Alex Piquero, Ashbel Smith Professor of Criminology and associate dean for graduate programs in EPPS.
The three researchers published another recent study that found that relatively minor events in a child's life can help predict bullying behavior. The events included a new sibling, an ill sibling, failing grades, feeling unpopular with peers and being bullied at a young age. That study, published in the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, also used data from the Northeastern U.S. school district.
"This speaks to the importance early life events can have on adolescent experiences and the need for early intervention when problems first arise," Connell said. Research on bullying has focused on the consequences of victimization. "The new research advances the understanding of the bullies themselves," Connell said. "As we learn more about the consequences of bullying, we need to do more work to identify perpetrators and find ways to combat the behavior earlier," she said.
"The findings suggest that early life events may disrupt the developmental process. This opens up new ways to explore the developmental trajectory of bullying behavior and gives us potential target points for early intervention," Connell said.
A 2013 study by Connell and Piquero, with co-author Dr. Nicole Leeper Piquero, criminology professor and associate provost, found that adults who were bullies in adolescence had a higher likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior later in life.