MIV-711, the cathepsin K inhibitor was not linked to pain reduction but may lower disease progression in osteoarthritis.

In a multicenter study led by the University of Leeds, 244 patients with primary knee osteoarthritis were randomly assigned to receive either 100 or 200 mg daily of MIV-711 or matched placebo for 26 weeks to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of MIV-711. The primary endpoint of the study was change in pain score, but changes in disease progression were also assessed using quantitative MRI outcomes. The researchers found that compared with placebo, MIV-711 was associated with less bone remodeling, less cartilage volume loss, and lower levels of bone resorption and collagen loss. According to the authors, further evaluation is needed to confirm the structural benefits of MIV-711 and to determine whether these translate to more tangible benefits on disease symptoms.
The authors of an accompanying editorial from Brigham and Women's Hospital say that while the work is promising, they agree that more research is needed to determine the longer term benefits of MIV-711. They point out the study findings do not contradict that there is a foundational link between modification of structure and improvement in osteoarthritis pain, but rather clarify that changes in structure do not beget immediate changes in symptoms.