Black hue as backgrounds of grocery store displays are attractive and get people to buy more fresh produce. Black a cool color beats other cool and warm tones in bringing out the shine of most vegetables.

‘Consumers find vegetables as more attractive on very dark or black backgrounds and tend to buy more veggies in retail food stores.’
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A new study by industrial design professor Bryan Howell and Dutch colleague Hendrick Schifferstein looks at how the backgrounds of grocery store displays impact the attractiveness of vegetables. After testing an array of colors and neutral shades, they found the best bet is to go back in black.Read More..

"If the goal is to boost sales of fresh produce in retail stores, it makes sense that vendors present them in an attractive and appetizing manner," Howell said. "In the design world, black has always been the cool color, but I didn't know it would carry over into the vegetable world."
For the study, 46 participants assessed five vegetables on various shades of backgrounds between black and white. The study participants gave attractiveness and perceived expensiveness ratings for each veggie -- mushroom, bell pepper, carrot, tomato, eggplant -- against each background.
The researchers had already tested the vegetables against a larger spectrum of colored backgrounds, but found that cool, warm, orange and blue hued backgrounds were not optimal for presentation. The goal of the research was to see if there was one color that brought out the shine in most vegetables. The big winner was black.
Yellow peppers were rated as the most attractive and expensive across all the white, grey and black backgrounds, while carrots generally rated the least attractive and expensive. However, carrots got the biggest boost in ratings when paired with a black background, even jumping eggplants and mushrooms in attractiveness.
Researchers said consumers generally finding vegetables more attractive on very dark backgrounds may be of direct relevance to current food retailers. Designers should utilize these insights to improve vegetable packaging or presentation to effectively achieve the marketing goals of food industry managers.