
Avita Medical's ReCell Spray-On Skin Works Better Than Skin Grafting

by Kathy Jones on Apr 30 2011 6:03 PM

 Avita Medical
The ReCell kit for the harvesting and application of autologous skin cells worked better than skin grafting in a pilot study, Avita Medical has announced.
The ReCell kit was tested on four patients who had extensive burn injuries. ReCell produced faster healing and better cosmetic outcomes, the study results showed.

“The ReCell suspension contains basal keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts and Langerhans cells. The metabolically responsive epithelial cells migrate across the wound surface, leading to regeneration of skin of normal color and texture,” the company said in a released statement.

The best thing about ReCell appears to be that it is a cell-based spray that can be available at the patient’s bedside.

