Lack of sleep can also elevate stress levels, which are prevalent during the postpartum period, and have adverse effects on bone health.

Hormones and Health: Women's Vulnerability to Degenerative Bone Conditions
"Women are more prone to the condition because they have a hormone, elastane, which leads to more elasticity in their tendons and ligaments, making them more prone to injuries," Dr. Amit Kale, Professor and Head of Unit, Orthopedic and Joint Replacement, D.Y. Patil Hospital in Pune, told IANS. "While degenerative diseases are more common in the older population, many times even the young females can suffer from knee pains," added Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria, Director, Department of Orthopedics, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital.‘Postpartum women commonly experience osteoporosis or osteopenia, primarily attributed to a combination of hormonal shifts, nutritional factors, and lifestyle changes during and after pregnancy. #bonedisease

"The inner muscles try to pull the kneecap inside whereas the outer muscle tries to pull it outside and when there is a disbalance, the knee cap tends to rub against the bone below causing pain and some amount of degeneration," Dr. Bagaria told. Increasing obesity is another reason for osteoarthritis in women. "Obesity is more common in women than men and this excessive weight puts more pressure on the joints and that is why they experience more joint damage, wear and tear," Dr. Kale said. 

"Often, the people who are in the postpartum period, meaning after the pregnancy, tend to develop certain bone and joint disorders, and one of the primary reasons that this happens is because of the alteration of the bone density," Dr. Bagaria said. In pregnancy, certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which help support the growth and development of the fetus are altered and these typically tend to suppress the bone resorption but because of the alteration, this may not happen.
After childbirth, there is a sudden drop in these hormones resulting in increased bone resorption and a temporary decrease in bone density, the doctor said. Breastfeeding also is an important factor. While breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits for both mother and baby, it can also be a contributory factor for decreased bone density, Dr. Bagaria said, suggesting such women to boost their diet with essential nutrients, like calcium, and vitamin D.
It is important to take enough rest, manage their stress, and if there is any prolonged orthopedic condition or orthopedic symptom, they should consult an orthopedic specialist. The doctors also suggested increasing daily dietary calcium intake with foods such as tofu, almonds, Brazil nuts, salmon, and dark-green leafy vegetables as a source of calcium (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
Go to source). And indulging in physical activities like brisk walking, tai chi, dancing or weight training, aerobic activities (2-3 times a week), resistance exercises/strength-building exercises (1-2 times a week) and also include stretchable and flexibility exercises in the routine. Avoid smoking and excessive caffeine intake as it is also associated with osteoporosis, they said.
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