In some off-beat news, a blue chair in the reception of a hotel in Britain has been dubbed as the fertility chair after seven women fell pregnant

Elaine Ledster, Kim Gidley, Laura Burchill and Gina Ripley were the first to fall pregnant while working as receptionists at the Best Western Moore Place Hotel.
The three remaining receptionists, Alyce Grisley, Claire Fitchett and Seran Daines, swiftly followed them.
"The chair is just a typical office swivel chair, but we now have staff refusing to sit on it," the Daily Mail quoted feneral manager Giles Shaw as saying.
"We first started joking that if anyone wants a baby boy then they should come and take a seat on our fertility chair, but now it's just so surreal that it's happening every time.
"Our hotel is well known in the area and now we will be known as the place to come for a baby boy," he stated.