Cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation is more effective than current standard-of-care management using medications.

‘Initial treatment with ablation may keep patients free from atrial fibrillation longer and prevent the disease progression.’
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Improvements in the safety and efficacy of ablation have led to increased interest in ablation as the initial therapy before using drugs.
Cryoballoon ablation in the process in which the physician inserts a balloon filled with liquid nitrogen to freeze the heart tissue that is causing the irregular heartbeat.
The STOP AF FIRST trial is done on 203 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation over an year at 24 sites across the U.S. The patients were randomized to receive cryoballoon catheter ablation or standard-of-care medications.
At 12 months, 75 percent of the ablation patients were free from atrial fibrillation without additional treatment compared with 45 percent of the medication patients.
"Earlier intervention with ablation may keep patients free from atrial fibrillation longer and prevent the disease from progressing into more persistent atrial fibrillation."