If you think that your romantic relationship is not working out well.Don't worry , an expert has offered tips that keeps your relationship strong, alive and happy.

Klapow said a relationship is doomed if the communication is not there. "Very often it's the little things, the daily hassles and decisions that couples need to make that lead to bigger problems; learning to make decisions together is critical for the survival of your relationship," he said.
Here are the five things Klapow recommends for making decisions together:
1. Set a specific goal
"What do each of you want? Make sure you are very specific. Eating dinner out is not a specific goal. Going to a restaurant where you can get a steak, your partner can get grilled shrimp and you both can relax in a quiet booth is specific. The more specific you are the better."
2. Monitor your discussion
3. Arrange the situation for success
4. Recruit support from one another
"A collective decision means that sometimes there will be compromise. If you are going into the discussion to win, then you are not making a collective decision; you are fighting a battle. Remind each other that you are a team and that you are in it to win collectively, not necessarily individually."
5. Treat yourselves
"Celebrate the success of a decision together. A hug, a celebratory reward, anything that acknowledges that together you have accomplished this task will help keep you motivated to make decisions together again."