
Exercise Regularly

Exercise Regularly

Your attitude towards exercising needs to change if you want to lose weight. If you are a ‘I want to exercise’ type, then you will remain in a ‘I want to lose weight’ condition throughout your life. And the kilos will keep piling up with every passing week. Fitness instructor, Rashi Raj says, “You should always say to your self each day that I choose not to exercise I will become a little fatter, a little unhealthier and a little more uncomfortable and unhappy with my self. So I should make exercise a normal activity like bathing or brushing.”

Instead of sitting and watching television, go out for a walk. A forty-five-minutes walk is a good beginning. Or, you can try indoor cycling on a stationary bike or spot jogging or skipping or yoga for twenty minutes. The key to weight reduction is being ever active. Walk in the mall. Move around as you talk to your colleague or friend on the cell. Instead of using the elevator use the stairs.

Gradually add weight training to your schedule to build lean muscle tissues and for strength. You will soon start appreciating yourself and the compliments will start pouring in. You will feel more energetic. You will feel thrilled to see yourself fitting into your old clothes.

Make fitness a part of your life.

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