You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. - George Burns
Is there anyone in this world who fails to be swayed by the magic of youth? None... for when youth explodes joyously all Nature smiles!
The signs of aging first appear during the turbulent twenties, but remain invisible to the naked eye. For the majority, all hell breaks loose during their late thirties and early forties when aging becomes more formidable and the tell- tale signs are there for all to see.

The skin loses its elasticity due to depleting collagen and also fails to regenerate at the pace seen before. This results in ‘infirmities’ such as loose skin, dry patches, sunken eyes and hollow cheeks.
While it is important to preserve one’s youthful looks, it is necessary not be carried away, but be realistic and accept the truth that there exists no short-cut to stop aging!
After successfully thin–slicing various aspects of growing old, modern anti-aging gurus showcase early prevention as the best method to prolong the glory of youth. They recommend a judicious blend of lifestyle changes, physical fitness, attitude, super foods, supplements, age-defying treatments, holistic medicine and cosmetics along with disease detection and stress management.
The list reiterates that it is indeed impossible to make heads turn without straining a sinew!