
Sexual Deviance - Health Hazards

Health Hazards

Almost all sexually deviant people can harm themselves or others physically or psychologically. At a milder level foot fetishes and shoe fetishes can cause severe oral and genital infections if the body parts and objects involved are not thoroughly cleaned before use.

Hazards of Oral Sex: Many people view oral sex as a generally safe practice that puts off the penile-vaginal intercourse, thereby avoiding an unplanned pregnancy— especially teen pregnancy. Recent researches have shown that oral sex (fellatio, i.e. oral- penile contact) can be associated with non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) in heterosexual and homosexual men through oral bacteria or other oral factors that can trigger the disease. Research also suggests that HIV may be transmitted during oral sex to the receptive partner when the virus makes contact with mucous membrane tissues in the mouth.

According to medical experts anal intercourse is the riskiest of all sexual behaviors associated with HIV/AIDS transmission.

Autoerotic asphyxia has resulted in many deaths due to asphyxiation when the constricting ropes were not released soon enough to prevent strangulation.

Sadomasochistic sexual practices can be extremely dangerous and can even prove fatal if there is no proper co-ordination between the participants. In cases of sexual victimization BDSM practices that involve sexual abuse, sexual assault, bondage, insult and inflicting physical and mental pain can be a traumatic experience for an unwilling participant in the sexual act.

Experts on criminal pathology have observed that people with necrophilia preferences (sexually aroused by dead bodies) have murdered people in order to get a corpse for sexual intercourse. A case in point is Jeffrey Dahmer, the notorious serial killer of Milwaukee, US, who was initially convicted as a sex offender for exhibitionism and served short jail terms and later went on to lure and murder 17 young men between 1987 and 1991. The crimes were particularly gruesome because forensic experts detected the involvement of rape, torture, necrophilia, dismemberment and cannibalism in all the murders.

Physical symptoms like nausea, headaches, gastrointestinal difficulties, sleep disorders, genital injuries are usually manifest in rape victims. In addition, rape victims suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that is manifested by symptoms such as nightmares, anxiety, severe depression, and can even affect their sexual life in the following years. Supportive counseling can help ease the trauma suffered by rape victims.

Child sexual abuse prompted by pedophilia can be a traumatic experience for the child. It can be emotionally damaging for the victim and can result in long-term negative consequences such as confusion, disorientation, disruption of regular sexual development, low self esteem, and difficulty in having a fulfilling sexual and emotional relationship in adult years.











