
Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis - FAQs

Q: How will I know if my children will be affected with Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis?

A: With advanced genetic techniques, it is possible to predict if your child will be affected by any genetic condition. But since Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis is a condition of unknown cause, genetic mapping is not always the answer. This together with the fact that the disease is mild and does not pose a threat to life makes this process irrelevant.


Q: Which doctor should I see in case my child has several soft tissue swellings?

A: A pediatrician, orthopedic specialist or a dental surgeon are the doctors who will be able to diagnose and offer further advice about this condition.

Q: My child has been diagnosed as having Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis. Should I be worried?

A: No. Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis is a relatively mild condition and so far no fatalities have been reported. Therefore, there is no need to worry as such, but make sure that your child has regular check ups.

Q: What are the complications of Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis?

A: Complication are extremely rare and include deformities of the involved bones, inequalities in limb-length.

Q: What other conditions mimic Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis?

A: Differential diagnosis include Osteomyelitis

  • Trauma
  • Hypervitaminosis A
  • Hyperphosphatemia
  • Scurvy

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