
How can we Prevent Nosebleed?

How can we Prevent Nosebleed?

For prevention of epistaxis -

  • Avoid blowing of the nose or putting anything into it. If one feels like sneezing, keep the mouth opened so that the air will escape out the mouth and not through the nose.
  • Do not strain during bowel movements.
  • Try to keep the head higher than the level of the heart.
  • Do not strain or bend down to lift anything heavy.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Stay on a soft, cool diet. Do not drink hot liquids for at least 24 hours following a nosebleed episode.
  • Do not take any blood thinning medications like aspirin during a nosebleed episode.
  • Keep the lining of the nose moist. Gently apply a light coating of petroleum jelly inside the nose with a cotton swab twice a day.
  • Counteract the drying effects of indoor heated air by using a humidifier at night in the bedroom.
  • Nasal saline spray can help prevent nosebleeds, especially during the winter months.
  • Avoid picking the nose.