
Bladder Exstrophy | Ectopia Vesicae - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for bladder exstrophy?

A: Bladder exstrophy is usually diagnosed at birth by the pediatrician, who may refer the case to a pediatric surgeon or a pediatric urologist. Adult patients with bladder exstrophy may visit a urologist for treatment.


Q: What is the long-term prognosis or outcome of bladder exstrophy?

A: Bladder exstrophy if left untreated can cause social issues due to the bad smell coming from the patient. In addition, the patient is also at a risk of kidney failure or cancer of the exposed bladder. Surgery especially in the case of incomplete bladder exstrophy often results in a good outcome, and the patient can lead a normal life with normal continence of urine. Many patients require repeat surgeries. A failed initial surgery reduces the chances of success with future surgeries in achieving good bladder capacity and continence of urine. Surgeries can also cause complications, which may require further treatment.
