
Side effect(s) of Dinutuximab

Review the side-effects of Dinutuximab as documented in medical literature. The term "side effects" refers to unintended effects that can occur as a result of taking the medication. In majority of the instances these side-effects are mild and easily tolerable, however sometimes they can be more severe and can be detrimental.

If the side effects are not tolerable adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medication can help to manage or overcome side effects. If you have any doubts or questions, we recommend seeking advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Pain, fever, severe infusion or allergic reactions, infections.

Anemia, low platelet count, low white blood cell count, bone marrow suppression.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite.

Allergic reactions, hives (urticaria).

Blurred vision, vision changes, drooping of the eyelids, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light).

  Urinary System:
Loss of proteins in the urine, hemolytic uremic syndrome (destruction of red blood cells resulting in kidney failure).

  Central Nervous System:
Dizziness, faintness, lightheadedness, seizures, peripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nerves).

  Cardiovascular System:
Capillary leak syndrome, low blood pressure.

Abnormal levels of liver enzymes (Alanine amino transferase, Aspartate aminotransferase).

  Metabolic Problems:
Low levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphate (electrolyte abnormalities), increase in weight.

Other Precautions :

• Intravenous sodium chloride is given prior to dinutuximab infusion for proper hydration.
• Analgesics like morphine sulfate or fentanyl are administered for managing pain. They are administered just prior to during and after dinutuximab infusion.
• Antihistamines like diphenhydramine are administered to prevent allergic reaction. Acetaminophen to prevent fever and medications to prevent vomiting are also administered.

Drug Name : Dinutuximab

Dinutuximab generic Dinutuximab (Unituxin) is a monoclonal antibody which is prescribed for the treatment of a certain type of brain tumor in the nerve cells (neuroblastoma) of children. It binds to a site called GD-2 which is present on neuroblastoma cells and kills them. Dinutuximab is used in combination with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin-IL (IL-2) and retinoic acid (13 cis - retinoic acid) for the treatment. It works by killing cancer cells.









