
Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions


Information about Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate

Generic Name : Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate
Up-to-date prescription details regarding Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate are provided here.

Pronunciation : ES-tra-DYE-ol VAL-er-ate/dye-EN-oh-jest

Learn the correct pronunciation of the Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate, understand it's uses, recommended dosages, its indications, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, warnings and its and its storage instructions.
You will also find a list of the medication's International and Indian brand or trade names, as well as its pricing information. For verification of the information presented on this page or for additional clarifications, it's advisable to consult your doctor.

ICD Code : Y42.4 Therapeutic Classification : Oral Contraceptives

Trade Names/Brand Names of Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate

International :


Why is Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate Prescribed? (Indications)

This medication is a combination birth control pill, prescribed for preventing pregnancy.

When should Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate not be taken? (Contraindications)

Contraindicated in patients with deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, suspected pregnancy, abnormal genital bleeding, migraine, liver disease, breastfeeding, bleeding disorder, uncontrolled hypertension, headaches with focal neurological symptoms, breast cancer, and hypersensitivity.

What is the dosage of Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate?

For 28 days - Day 1 Start- The first tablet should be taken on Day 1 of patient's menstrual cycle and then follow as directed by your physician.

How should Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate be taken?

It comes as a tablet to take by mouth, as directed by your physician.

What are the warnings and precautions for Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate?

• Caution should be exercised in patients with history of heart, kidney, or liver disease, blood vessel problems, diabetes, migraines, gallbladder problems, high blood pressure, porphyria, blood in the urine, mental illness, skin disease, high blood minerals, yellowing of the eyes or skin, pancreatic problems, thyroid problems, seizures, high blood cholesterol, endometriosis, any allergy, who are taking other medications, and during breastfeeding.

• It may cause dizziness, do not drive a car or operate machinery while taking this medication.

• It should not be used in children.

• Avoid taking this medication within 4 weeks after giving birth.

• Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption while taking this medication.

What are the side effects of Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate?

Most Common - Irregular uterine bleeding, nausea, breast tenderness, headache.
Common - Irregular periods, breast pain, discomfort or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, acne and increased weight.
Serious reactions - Deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, benign tumor of the liver, uterine cancer, and ruptured ovarian cyst.

What are the other precautions for Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate?

Avoid excess dosage.

What are the storage conditions for Dienogest and Estradiol Valerate?

Store it at room temperature (25°C).