
Carfilzomib - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions


Information about Carfilzomib

Generic Name : Carfilzomib
Up-to-date prescription details regarding Carfilzomib are provided here.

Understand it's uses, recommended dosages, its indications, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, warnings and its and its storage instructions.
You will also find a list of the medication's International and Indian brand or trade names, as well as its pricing information. For verification of the information presented on this page or for additional clarifications, it's advisable to consult your doctor.

Trade Names/Brand Names of Carfilzomib

International :


Why is Carfilzomib Prescribed? (Indications)

This medication is an antineoplastic agent, prescribed for multiple myeloma. It helps to slow the growth and spread of the cancer.

When should Carfilzomib not be taken? (Contraindications)


What is the dosage of Carfilzomib?

IV- Cycle 1- The recommended dose is 20 mg/m².
If tolerated in Cycle 1, the dose should be increased to 27 mg/m² beginning in Cycle 2 and continued at 27 mg/m² in subsequent cycles.

How should Carfilzomib be taken?

It comes as a powder for injection (diluted with fluid) to be administered by a healthcare provider into the vein.

What are the warnings and precautions for Carfilzomib?

• Caution should be exercised in patients with history of heart arrest, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, any allergy, who are taking other medications, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

• It may cause fatigue, dizziness, fainting, and/or low blood pressure, do not drive a car or operate machinery while taking this medication.

• Patient may experience shortness of breath, if it is so consult with your healthcare provider.

What are the side effects of Carfilzomib?

Fatigue, anemia, nausea, decrease in platelets, difficulty in breathing, diarrhea, and fever.

What are the other precautions for Carfilzomib?

Avoid excess dosage.

What are the storage conditions for Carfilzomib?

Store it in refrigerator (2°C to 8°C).